Algenta's DNS Max suite supports "go PHP5"

September 12, 2007

Algenta Endorses the GoPHP5 Campaign and Improves its DNS Max Offerings

Algenta Technologies is pleased to support the Go PHP 5 initiative with its DNS Max web based front-end and web service API.


DNS Max has always delivered a web service stack and front-end DNS GUI based on leading edge technology. Algenta is happy to endorse the deadline of February 5, 2008 to support only PHP 5.2 and above. This deadline will ensure that Algenta's customers have the latest technology available to them, and will provide the greatest security. It will also allow the PHP developers to focus their efforts on bringing new features to PHP6.

All new DNS Max application servers are now shipping with the latest version of PHP5. DNS Max encourages all of customers to use the latest version of PHP5, whether on FreeBSD, Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, or virtual machines.

About Algenta Technologies

Founded in 1999, Algenta Technologies is a research and development firm specializing in data management, integration services, and Internet technologies for government and business computing. The company offers a range of highly specific products and services designed to give power to people through easy integration and access to data.

About Go PHP5 believes that PHP4 has served the web developer community for seven years now, and served it well. However, PHP4's shortcomings have been addressed by PHP5, released three years ago, but the transition from PHP4 to PHP5 has been slow. GoPHP5 believes that setting a deadline for PHP5 adoption will provide web hosts reason to upgrade and will provide the PHP development team the ability to retire PHP4 and focus efforts on PHP5 and the forthcoming PHP6.

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