Network Operations Solutions
Algenta Technologies has considerable expertise in managing redundant, high availability networks for mission critical tasks. This expertise comes from operating our own company's networks, which run:
- two commercial DNS services: DNSMax and ThatIP
- proprietary DNS backplane and messaging systems
- distributed array of high availability name servers
- over one dozen web sites and on-demand web applications
- source code control systems
- defect tracking and real time customer support systems
- community collaboration applications
- desktop and server backup solutions
Domain Name System Solutions
Whether your organization is just getting started building its network or is looking to streamline or troubleshoot an existing network, we have the experience to get your naming system up and running quickly.
We have successfully deployed and managed DNS systems on many platforms including Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Tru64 and other UNIX-like operating systems.
If your organization is considering deploying DNS, contact us to see how we can help you save time and money.
We can also help you expand the power of your DNS solution to include a dynamic DNS system, where all your users get a unique hostname no matter where they travel, on or off your network.
Additional information
Contact us to request more information or to get a quote for any of our services.